ACNC registered charities with annual revenue of more than $250,000 should provide financial statements to the ACNC within 6 months of the end of the financial year. Companies with revenue under that threshold just have to submit the Annual Information Statement. There is no necessity to offer financial statements to the ACNC Filing Sydney.
Our savvy lawyers can assist you with registering your charity with Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC). Forget the trouble of meeting a lawyer face to face. Our highly trained attorneys are ready to assist wherever you are in Sydney.
Our attorneys were recruited from the leading firms of Australia and use our customized technology to offer a better and more reasonable legal service.
If your grant application is successful, conditions will decide where the money is allocated and spent and how spending is reported in the grant acquittal. Acquittal might need an audited financial statement, according to the Australian Accounting Standards, to be prepared by an approved auditor.
Since 2012, the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) has need the charities in all the states meet their obligations and submit the financial reports, and we can provide the financial proficiency.
ACNC registered charities classed as medium or large should offer financial statements to the ACNC within 6 months of the end of the financial year. Companies with revenue under that threshold might only have to submit the Annual Information Statement. The ACNC Filing Sydney can get and address complaints about the charities and NFPs or pass them to another regulator. It also has the power to cancel the registration of a NFP or charity that has not met its obligations.
In some states, NFPs that are also integrated associations which have financial reporting obligations to a government department and also the ACNC and we can help with these obligations, like annual filing.